
Simplifying data analytics

for businesses


Our client TrueCue is a data warehouse and management company that provides data insights for businesses through their data storage and visualisation platform.


UX research
UX/UI design


UI designer x 1
Developer x 2
Project lead x 1


2 months

The context

Research had discovered that business leaders were rapidly becoming the key decision-makers for vetting the platforms & services of data warehouse companies*

The problem was the many of these managers didn’t fully understand how data tools could solve their business challenges.
of all software buying decisions will be made outside the IT department by non-technical C-level managers by 2021 (Gartner 2018)*
of executives say they are not comfortable accessing or using data from their tools and resources (Deloitte 2019)

The challenge

To understand the cause behind business leaders having an “uncomfortable” relationship with their data sources and discovering the content needed to provide them with greater confidence to make data-driven decisions.


To deliver a simple website experience.
Educate business leaders in becoming more data-driven.
Break-down the specifics on how data software can solve the challenges business leaders face day-to-day.

The outcome

A fully responsive website.
A tracking plan to monitor the website’s performance.

The process


The research suggested that organisations saw the value in data management solutions, attracting a higher level of business involvement. However, analysing TrueCue’s competitors revealed that messaging in the marketplace was highly technical. We, therefore, hypothesised that there was an opportunity to target an emerging audience.

We set up a workshop with the client to present our findings and learned more about TrueCue’s business and customers.

Business needs:

SEO performance was key.
Communicate core brand messaging of “revealing the truth.”

Speaking with
business leaders

We conducted 5 interviews to understand the process TrueCue’s past customers undertook when vetting data management platforms. Insights were analysed using empathy maps to build a picture of business leaders.

Areas of interest

Past process of reviewing data management platforms.
The information that was key to making their decision.
Business leader's relationship to making data-driven decisions.

Interview insights



Business leaders were unaware of what is needed to form a data-driven business.

business impact

Business leaders realised the benefits of data but couldn’t describe how it solved their direct business challenges.

Time is money

Business leaders highlighted that they reviewed multiple data platforms at once.

Highly technical

TrueCue customers highlighted technical jargon as a core pain-point when reviewing past data platforms.

Audiences identified

Two business leader personas identified: data entrepreneurs and technical wizards. Data entrepreneurs were heads of departments (marketing, operations, hr, strategy) who were not overly data-savvy, and needed to see how data solutions could help solve their bespoke business challenges. Moreover, technical wizards were CIO's and heads of analytics who required architecture, security, and pricing knowledge of data solutions.

Business leaders needs



Business leaders need guidance on the best ways to promote a data-driven culture.


Business leaders need to know that they can be supported across long-term projects.

Business value

Key facts like ROI are needed to quickly determine business value.

An overview

Business leaders need a simple depiction of how the data capture process works.

Key on-site journeys

I identified on-site journeys, from the user interviews, about how business leaders would choose and validate the right data software for their company. I visualised this with on-site journey maps to understand what content was required to support users at key touch-points.


Using insights from these journey we refined the initial sitemap that was formed from the stakeholder workshops. With insights uncovered in research were made more discoverable.


How might we empower business leaders to make more informed decisions with data?

The solution


Supported with facts, I broke down key challenges to communicate the real-life business value a data solution could provide to C-suit stakeholders.

These pages also created SEO benefits as they were optimised to key search topics, as people commonly search via their pain-points.

Quickly realising business value

Case study results (key facts like ROI) were made more prominent to quickly communicate a solution's perceived business value to time-poor business leaders.

technical requirements

Integrations, security, and pricing information were included within one section to meet the core needs "technical wizards" have when reviewing data software.

Partner logos were discoverable to reflect the quality of TrueCue’s capabilities to meet long-term business project commitments, which was critical for CIOs and heads of analytics.

Empowering business leaders to be data-driven

I created a conceptual design of a data maturity tool that analyses business data performance across 5 key areas. The results would rank a business's data maturity and provide the appropriate steps to support them in achieving a truly data-driven culture.

The result

The client was impressed with the final result as we achieved what we wanted; invite business leaders to understand the benefits of making data-driven decisions.

Next steps

Key areas to monitor

Benchmarking against: 2.5% conversion (industry average) and 50 new leads per month (average leads by company size).
Organic traffic: business challenge pages SEO performance
Funnel evaluation: behavioural flow between business challenge and solutions pages to validate on-site journeys.
Increased data confidence: surveying on-site user experiences


Content production was managed by the client on this project, presenting challenges to ensure that our design recommendations were taken into consideration. Realising this, we need to improve our content templates to better support co-collaboration and explicit content guidance for the future.
The effectiveness of challenge/solution pages will lie in the content and their ability to relate with a targeted user group (marketing, sales, HR, strategy). I would recommend conducting additional interviews (5 per group) to uncover specific user pain points/needs to optimise the content on challenge/solution pages, ensuring their relevance.

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